Campus life

Student of the KH Freiburg sitting on the Wiwillibrücke in Freiburg

Living in Freiburg

The city with the most hours of sunshine per year is convincing more and more people to work and study in Freiburg and to enjoy the high quality of life thanks to its sights and its charm.

Living in Freiburg
Students leave the residential home

Living on Campus II

The Margarete Ruckmich House in Charlottenburger Str. 18 of the KH Freiburg is also a campus residence for our students.

Campus residence
Students walking through Freiburg in conversation

Studis international

The Studis International student group offers a wide range of activities on the campus of the KH Freiburg.

Studis international
Students leaving the Campus II building at KH Freiburg

International campus

At the Catholic University of Applied Science Freiburg, you will find a plenty of international activities within its course offerings and extracurricular programs.

International campus

Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Naomi Hiroe-Helbing

Specialist International Office, Grants for Study Abroad

More informations