Living in Freiburg
Freiburg is located in the south of Germany at the foot of the Black Forest in the so-called “border triangle” of Germany, France, and Switzerland. Freiburg is a “green” city where students are welcome and greatly influence the city’s flair.
Useful information
Here you will find the most important information about living in Freiburg, what student life in Freiburg costs and which services you can use as a student at the KH Freiburg.

Freiburg is a beautiful and popular city and this means housing opportunities are very limited. During a semester abroad, you can choose between various accommodation options.
Margarete Ruckmich Haus of the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg
Exchange students have the opportunity to live in the Margarete Ruckmich Haus (MRH), the KH’s campus residence
On Living on campus II you will find the most important information about living in the Margarete Ruckmich House.
If you are interested in accommodation there, contact the KH International Office in good time. Places in the MRH are limited.
Student Housing in Freiburg
There are numerous dormitories / residence halls available to students in Freiburg. You can find an overview in this document (PDF).
If you decide you would like to live in one of the student housing options, you will need to apply early and directly to the accommodation you are interested in (see the list above.) Remember: availability is limited.
Apartment/ house sharing (WGs)
A popular living concept in Germany is sharing an apartment or house with others called a Wohngemeinschaft (WG). In the WG option, you can look for an own apartment or house to rent and share or for an available room in an existing WG. For example, wg-gesucht.de offers shared housing opportunities.
Please note: Renting a room in shared housing can be very expensive. Especially at the beginning of the winter semester, many students move to Freiburg. This means finding affordable accommodation is a challenge.
Life in Germany is generally expensive. As an exchange student, you can expect costs for housing, and appropriate insurance coverage. There are expenses for travel and local public transportation. You should calculate monthly expenses of around EUR 1000. Ultimately, your personal lifestyle, situation and priorities will determine how much money you will need for a semester in Freiburg.
Student Union (Studierendenwerk) Freiburg Schwarzwald (SWFR)
Whether you need information about housing, financing, advisory services or current events and a focus on international affairs - the SWFR offers all Freiburg students an advisory service covering a wide range of topics.
Insurance coverage in Germany
Sufficient insurance is essential for studying in Germany. Whether health insurance, liability insurance or accident insurance - we have summarized the most important information for you.
Health insurance for exchange students
All students — whether from Germany or abroad — must take out health insurance in Germany in order to be admitted to the University. For your enrollment, we need a confirmation of insurance from the so-called gesetzlichen Krankenkassen (statutory health insurance funds.)
During your studies, there are different ways to be covered by health insurance: either student health insurance, family insurance, or private insurance.
A reduced student rate applies for student insurance with a statutory health insurance fund (Techniker Krankenkasse, DAK etc) Compulsory insurance for students ends when you complete your studies or deregister – i.e. at the end the relevant semester. It ends at the latest in the semester in which you turn 30.
Under certain conditions, you can be covered by the non-contributory dependants' insurance of your spouse.
If you are a student from an EU member state, an EEA state, Switzerland or a country with which Germany has entered into a bilateral social security agreement, your insurance coverage in your home country remains in effect. We also require confirmation of insurance for enrolment, so please present your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), your Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) or your certificate of entitlement to a statutory health insurance fund.
You can see a doctor directly in Germany with your EHIC or your GHIC.
Attention: if you are insured via the EHIC or GHIC and take up a job (here the definition of employment includes part-time and “mini jobs” as well as work-study positions), you usually have to take out health insurance in Germany! Please clarify this with a German health insurance provider.
If statutory insurance is not possible, insure yourself via a private insurance. In this case, you need to have your private tariff (what you pay for the insurance) checked by a statutory health insurance fund (exemption from compulsory insurance), Techniker Krankenkasse.
Please note that most tariffs of a private insurance company from abroad do not pass this test and are therefore not valid for enrolment.
If you have any questions about health insurance, the campus consultants for the statutory health insurance provider “Die Techniker,” Lilli Sütterlin will be happy to help you.
Accident and liability insurance
Incoming students are covered by accident and liability insurance through the Studierendenwerk (student union) Freiburg.
The liability insurance covers damages that occur on the premises of the University in connection with your studies. We therefore recommend that you take out personal liability insurance.
Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Naomi Hiroe-Helbing
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