
We combine a personal atmosphere and individual support with high quality in teaching and research. Around 1,900 students from Germany and neighboring countries are currently studying at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg (KH Freiburg). We are specialised in the fields of social sciences and health. Studying at the KH Freiburg is personal, supportive and opens up a wide range of opportunities for participation.
The Catholic University Freiburg is a state-recognized university under the auspices of the Catholic church.
The University is guided by the Christian image of human beings and stands for openness to the world, tolerance and solidarity.

We offer attractive study programs and learning conditions to support your holistic education and development, while optimally preparing you for your professional future. Our range of studies is characterized by: 

  • orientation on Christian values
  • excellent faculty-student ratio
  • integration of theory and practices
  • support for self-directed learning
  • wide range of services and advising/counselling
  • variety of international contacts.

Welcome to the KH Freiburg. 

Discover KH Freiburg

International Office der KH Freiburg

International Office

Das International Office berät Studierende, Forscher*innen und Mitarbeiter*innen, die an der KH Freiburg oder an einer Partneruniversität studieren, forschen oder lehren möchten. 

Zum International Office
Studiengänge der KH Freiburg

Degree programs

The KH Freiburg specializes in degree courses in the social and health sector. New research findings are continuously incorporated into the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs.

Degree programs
Studieren in Freiburg - Studierende der KH beim Sonnenuntergang am Schlossberg

Living in Freiburg

The city with the most hours of sunshine per year is convincing more and more people to work and study in Freiburg and to enjoy the high quality of life thanks to its sights and its charm.

Living in Freiburg