Application and admission procedure for international Students
Information for applicants with a foreign citizenship applying for an undergraduate or graduate degree at the Catholic University of Freiburg
Applicants with German qualifications (German: Bildungsinländer)
If you have foreign citizenship, but have attended a German school abroad or have acquired your university entrance qualification in Germany, you are a so-called "Bildungsinländer". You can apply under the same conditions as German applicants.
Applicants with other qualifications German language requirements
Our courses are mainly held in German; therefore all applicants are required to demonstrate a high level of competence in the German language. Applicants must provide evidence of equivalent competence in German language through a recognized language test, as outlined below.
- DSH with Level 2 or
- TestDaF: the average of all four sub-tests must be at least level 4 or 5. All partial exams must have been passed. More information on the language tests can be found here: www.testdaf.de
EU applicants
If you are a European Union citizen, you can apply directly using the online application.
Non-EU applicants
Applicants from non-EU countries need
- the required documents listed on the checklist and the completed online application
- University entrance qualification: All non-EU applicants who wish to study at the KH Freiburg have to submit their documents to the “Studienkolleg Konstanz” to verify their comparability to German qualifications. The Studienkolleg is responsible for assigning a German grade. This process must be completed by the Studienkolleg and submitted to the Catholic University of Freiburg by the application deadline. More information can be found HERE. Please note that the “Studienkolleg Konstanz” is responsible for universities in Baden-Württemberg. If your qualifications have been assessed in another Bundesland, then please contact our Infopoint at: infothek@kh-freiburg.de