Student in a lecture at the KH Freiburg

Diversity and equality

Diversity and Equality

The value of diversity in all its facets should be reflected throughout the University. We see ourselves as a world-open institution and want to bring democratic values, participation and interculturality to life. We are on the way to becoming an inclusive university and strive to break down barriers, for example for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. Another milestone on this path is the guideline for protection against sexual harassment, sexualized violence and discrimination. Here, all University members, employees and students, can receive help and support in case of incidents.

Equal Opportunity Concept

The KH Freiburg sees equal opportunity and diversity as its guiding principles – and we are working actively to implement them. For us, this means cultivating and promoting diversity at our University. We consciously position ourselves within the church for recognizing sexual diversity and opposing all discrimination. The perception and acceptance of all genders is just as important to us as promoting the family-friendliness of our University. This is also reflected in the compatibility of studies and family. The development and review of equality measures according to the principle of gender mainstreaming makes it possible to take into account different life situations of people at the University and to integrate them into our everyday life. 

True to our University motto of world-openness, we encourage you to join us in promoting mutual acceptance, equal opportunities and diversity. Contact us for questions, suggestions, and to voice your concerns.

Statement on a diverse university from equal opportunity to a comprehensive diversity concept 

As a university for the fields of social work and health care, we wish to participate actively in shaping a diverse, modern society in accordance with our educational mission. On the one hand, it is important to meet the diverse needs of the workforce and recognize, utilize and promote the potential of employees. On the other hand, the University wants to provide tailor-made offers for a diverse student body. In order to meet the different needs of all University members in their diversity, the declared goal is to implement diversity aspects in all areas of the University.

In 2009, the KH Freiburg adopted a concept setting out goals and measures for achieving equality, which it updates regularly. The focus of that first concept was equality between women and men in the scientific fields. In 2020, we decided to transform this concept into a comprehensive diversity strategy that includes all University areas and takes into account the heterogeneity of all KH Freiburg students and employees.

In the current debate about the term diversity, six aspects of diversity are distinguished: gender, age, sexual orientation, religion/belief, disability, and ethnic origin/nationality. These are enshrined in the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetz.(1) According to these aspects, the following strategic goals of diversity result: anti-discrimination, gender equality, family-friendliness, educational equality as well as inclusion in the sense of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.(2)

As part of our development strategy, the topic of diversity is anchored in the project groups of teaching, research and continuing education as an interdisciplinary topic. In the transitional period until complete implementation, we have formulated the following statement. It consists of concrete goals targeted at the KH Freiburg and possible measures from the perspective of equality:

  • Promotion of a diversity-sensitive University culture through inclusion and active participation of employees and students 
  • Compatibility of family and career through a family-friendly design of working and study conditions 
  • Balanced gender ratios at all levels of the workforce through gender-sensitive recruitment policies
  • Supporting women who study with us in preparing for management positions 
  • Equal opportunities for staff and students from different social and cultural backgrounds
  • Prevention of all forms of violence, degradation and discrimination and protection against sexual harassment and discrimination through an effective protection concept 
  • Realization of an inclusive University policy in teaching, research and administration by promoting specific target groups 

We report on the implementation of these goals and current projects on an ad hoc basis and in the annual Equality Report on this website.

(1) Cf. § 1 AGG 
(2) University of Cologne (2018): Strategie Chancengerechtigkeit (Strategy for equal opportunities). Köln;  p. 4. Internetlink: https://vielfalt.unikoeln.
de/fileadmin/home/bdahmen/PDFs/Strategie_Chancengerechtigkeit_DINA4.pdf; accessed on 10 Aug. 2020.

Are you pregnant – or do you already have a child/children? Are you wondering whether its possible for you to combine family with studying? The KH Freiburg would like to support you with a variety of offers and assistance to master parenting and studying at the same time. 

Baby-feeding room / diaper-changing room: 

  • Building 3, Room 3225 

Diaper-changing rooms: 

  • Buildings 2, 3rd Floor in the barrier-free WC
  • Building 3, 1st Floor, in the barrier-free WC

What do you do when a person you are close to needs caring for – when suddenly, a person who has often helped you over years in your own life, now needs you to care for them? 
Our guide for family caregivers (in German: Leitfaden für pflegende Angehörige (PDF)) provides assistance to students and employees.

The KH Freiburg has adopted a protection concept for dealing with sexual harassment, sexualized violence and discrimination. The concept is intended to encourage affected persons not to accept sexual harassment, sexualized violence and discrimination, but to defend themselves. They can receive support from a contact person of their choice. One woman and one man each from the administration, the student body and the faculty are available for this purpose. The Equal Opportunity Officer and their deputy are also possible contact persons. The prevention aspect is also important, because anyone who recognizes early warning signs or potential dangers and reports them is actively involved in preventing dangers from arising in the first place.

We see the implementation of gender-sensitive language as a sign of the integration of male and female identities, as well as the third gender. As a university, we also make this clear in our writing and strive to use gender sensitive language in all our documents. We have summarized how to implement gender-sensitive language in a guide (in German: Leitfaden für eine Geschlechtersensible Sprache (PDF)). We are committed to inclusive higher education and language.

Studying with a disability

We are committed to meeting the individual needs of students with physical, mental or other disabilities, as well as chronic illnesses, and to removing barriers at the University. 

For information and advice on studying with an impairment, please contact Prof. Dr. Mone Welsche, Representative for Students with Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities, regarding:

  • a physical disability/impairment
  • a chronic illness
  • a sensory impairment, a mental illness or other disability, or having or expecting difficulties in organizing and carrying out studies.

In a confidential advising session, we can work together to see how you can successfully complete your studies despite a disability/impairment and what support is available.

Make an appointment:
T +49 761 200-1528

Barrier-free/Accessible Entrances

  • Buildings 1 + 2 next to the stair cases via the indoor elevator
  • Building 3 via the main portal and the indoor elevator

Barrier-free/Accessible WC´s: Building 1, 2nd Foor,

  • Building 2, 3rd Floor,
  • Building 3, 1st Floorwelsche-mone

Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us! Dr. Deborah Lutz / Lara Graupner

Professorin/ Akademische Mitarbeiterin

More informations

Prof. Dr. Mone Welsche

Professor, Representative for students with disabilities

More informations

Discover KH Freiburg

A group of students sitting and talking under a tree in front of Campus I of the KH Freiburg


Studying at the KH Freiburg is personal and based on solidarity. It opens up numerous opportunities for participation. Find out more about studying at KH Freiburg

Laughing student with longboard in front of Campus I at KH Freiburg


The Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg is a modern university for social work and health care known for its personal atmosphere and high-quality teaching, research and continuing education.

Transparent model head of a human being


The Katholische Hochschule Freiburg cooperates with national and international universities as well as partners from industry and local authorities.
