Mission statement
Our mission is: enable students to take responsibility for their own professional practice in various fields within social work, health care, and pastoral care; offer continuing education for various qualification goals; and conduct application-oriented research. We aim to fulfill this mission through excellent teaching, research and continuing education.
As a Catholic university, we are aware of the importance of those value orientations which all religions point to and which for us, are nurtured by Christian sources.
- We are convinced that all human beings have the right to be respected. We oppose all forms of discrimination and live in solidarity with all, especially with those whose dignity has been violated. FOR ALL
- The world, as God's creation, is entrusted to human beings. We stand by the responsibility we have for our environment. SUSTAINABLE
- We trust that our commitment to social justice is effective and will have consequences. ENGAGED
We respect the uniqueness and singularity of each person. We use the individual experiences and ideas of students, continuing education participants and staff as valuable sources for "learning with and through others" and for scientific discourse.
We see the crucial potential for innovation and creativity in the diversity of those who study, work and continue their education at the KH Freiburg. Through learning processes, we promote the diversity of their competencies and experiences, and we encourage developing a dialogical basic attitude that also breaks down cultural and religious boundaries. All of this is supported by learning processes and enables assuming responsibility for one's self and also, the common good. We enable participation and encourage everyone to take an active part in shaping the conditions in which they work and live.
We are an attractive educational and living environment and also, an experimental space for the life and work we see as desirable for ourselves, for others, and those who will live after us. As a Catholic university, we give space to the question of what a successful life means.
“For all” also has the meaning for us that our pursuit of excellence and the contribution of everyone involved leads to concrete, forward-looking impulses and developments that unfold individual, local and global relevance. We have the vision that this will be reinforced by our inclusive and low-barrier offerings for people with heterogeneous educational biographies and potentials.
As a university of lifelong learning, we do justice to the different potentials and professional requirements of our students, further education participants and employees by providing them with forward-looking learning and development opportunities. We make it possible to acquire the competencies for professional activities and to strengthen personally relevant skills.