Key research focus on healthcare services research in the areas of gerontology, nursing and healthcare
The research focus is centered on current developments within gerontological fields of action as applied to nursing and the healthcare system. These developments are the subject of interdisciplinary research studies as well as basic and problem-oriented research projects as a basis for developing and evaluating innovative care concepts. For this purpose, intersectoral approaches and interfaces between the sectors are also included to further develop healthcare service offers and their respective settings.
The research projects aim to improve patient outcomes and the quality of life of people throughout the life span, even in cases of severe health burden.
To be able to determine the objects of research more soundly as well as to be able to specifically account for the differing perspectives of actors involved, various research methodologies are employed. These include, alongside classic qualitative and quantitative methods typically used in health services research, a range of mixed and multi-methodological approaches and participatory research methods enabling active involvement in the design of the research process of affected individuals, practitioners, and decision-makers (transdisciplinary approach).
Professors involved
- Prof.in Dr. Ines Himmelsbach
- Prof.in Dr. Nadine Konopik
- Prof.in Dr. Mirella Cacace
- Prof. Dr. Michael Doh
- Prof.in Dr. Wiebke Göhner-Barkemeyer
- Prof.in Dr. Anne Kellner
- Prof. Dr. Frank Luck
- Prof. Dr. Eric Pfeifer
- Prof. Dr. Hauke Schumann
- Prof.in Dr. Ulrike Thielhorn
Current research projects
- Academic Nursing and Advanced Nursing Practice in Residential Long-Term Care: Promoting and Supporting the Deployment of Academically Qualified Nursing Professionals (AqP)
- DiBiWohn - Digital educational processes for older people in senior-specific residential forms of institutionalised care for the elderly
- European film festival for the generations
- Sim-study: seniors, inofrmation, media
Examples of completed projects
- Scientific monitoring of the pilot programme "Dying where you live and are at home"
- (AP)²caritas - Academically-qualified nurse practitioners and the expansion of nursing practice in inpatient and outpatient care of a Caritas elderly care centre
- AQuiLa - Development of community-based approaches for inpatient long-term care facilities
- SENSE-COG: Promoting health for eyes, ears and mind
- Eye Bus
- Counselling map
- BEST - Citizen engagement ensures participation
- BeFo - Movement therapy training courses
- Caritas Eisenbach
- DEKOS - Demographic Coordination in Social Spaces
- EUMIP - Development of Support Structures for Central and Eastern European Migrants in Home Care Arrangements
- Fabel - Family support in rural areas with dementia
- Fit in old age
- Women in leadership positions in caritas associations
- Community of Eisenbach
- Community of Offenburg
- Gemo - "Health Promotion and HIV/AIDS Prevention for People from Eastern Europe
- Expert opinion concerning the Enquete Care Commission
- "Home Nursing Georgia" (Caritas International)
- Innogeso - Innovation and Demographic Management in Health and Social Professions
- Cosmobile Home Helpers
- LoChro - Local Chronic Care Management
- M.O.B.I.L.I.S.
- Movo-BnB
- Patient support
- PERLE - Staff Mix in Long-Term Care
- Basic Sports School
- Management and solutions in the Paul Wilhelm von Keppler Foundation during the first wave of the Covid19 pandemic
- ZAFH-care4care
- Future Age - Joint Master of Applied Gerontology
Selected Publications
- Himmelsbach, I.; Spiegel, J.; Wolski, L. & Neß, T. (2019). Mobile sozialmedizinische Beratung im AUGENBUS - Ein Angebot im ländlichen Raum. In: Kricheldorff, C.; Himmelsbach, I. & de Vries, T. (Hg.), Forschung als Motor für neue Konzepte und Innovationen. Band 3 der Reihe "Analyse - Prognose - Innovation", 67-90. Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag.
- de Vries, T. & Kricheldorff, C. (2019). "Die Spinne im Netz" - sozialräumliche Koordinationsstellen für gelingendes Alter als Beitrag zu einer sorgenden Gemeinschaft. In: Kricheldorff, C.; Himmelsbach, I. & de Vries, T. (Hg.), Forschung als Motor für neue Konzepte und Innovationen. Band 3 der Reihe "Analyse - Prognose - Innovation", 134-162. Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag.
- Leroi, I.; Himmelsbach, I.; Wolski, L.; Littlejohn, J.; Jury, F.; Parker, A.; Charalambous, A.; Dawes, P.; Constantinidou, F. & Thodi, C. (2019): Assessing and managing concourrent hearing, vision and cognitive impairments in older people: an international perspective from healthcare professionals. Age and ageing. Link zur DOI
- Göhner, W.; Schagg, D.; Küffner, R. & Reusch, A. (2018). Psychologische Strategien zur Bewegungsförderung. Entwicklung von Fortbildungen für die Bewegungstherapie (BeFo). Bewegungstherapie und Gesundheitssport, 34, 168-177.
- Konopik, N. (2019). Gesundheitskompetenz im Alter: Erweiterung von Health Literacy unter Berücksichtigung biografischer und umweltbezogener Aspekte. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Kricheldorff, C. (2018). Aktuelle Herausforderungen für die Profession Soziale Arbeit in der Altenhilfe und im Sozialraum. In: Bleck, S.; van Rießen, A. & Knopp, R. (Hg.), Alter und Pflege im Sozialraum. Theoretische Erwartungen und empirische Bewertungen. 113-125. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Müller, M.; Himmelsbach, I. & Kricheldorff, C. (2018). Altern in Sozialraum und Quartier - Facetten der Quartiersarbeit und Entwicklung einer wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung als Antwort auf aktuelle Herausforderungen im Sozialraum. Sozialraum.de, 10 (1). Link zum Artikel
- Pfeifer, E. [unter ständiger Mitwirkung von Decker-Voigt, H.-H.] (Hg.). (2019). Natur in Psychotherapie und Künstlerischer Therapie. Theoretische, methodische und praktische Grundlagen. Band 1 und Band 2 (Therapie und Beratung). Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag. Link zur DOI.
- Pfeifer, E. & Wittmann, M. (2020). Waiting, thinking, feeling: Variations in the perception of time during silence. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 602. Link zur DOI.
Kricheldorff, Cornelia; Mertens, Angelina, Tonello, Lucia (2015). "Im Projekt hat sich unglaublich viel getan!" Auf dem Weg zu einer sorgenden Kommune. Handbuch für politisch Verantwortliche, Gestalter und Akteure in Baden-Württembergs Kommunen. Ergebnisse und Empfehlungen aus dem Landesmodellprojekt "Pflegemix in Lokalen Verantwortungsgemeinschaften. Link zum Handbuch
Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Prof. Dr. phil. Ines Himmelsbach
More informations