Our university makes a scientific and value-oriented contribution to shaping the social future in a pluralistic community and to the further development of independent and, in particular, church welfare work. We can only make this contribution with the support of our sponsors. The KH Freiburg is run by the Katholische Hochschule Freiburg gGmbH. Its sponsors are:
The Archdiocese of Freiburg in Breisgau is located in the southwest of Germany in the immediate vicinity of Switzerland and Alsace. It was established in 1827 and today largely encompasses the former state of Baden and the former Hohenzollern part of the state of Baden-Württemberg. With around 1.9 million Catholics, the archdiocese is one of the largest of the 27 dioceses in Germany.
Stephan Burger was appointed Archbishop in the Archdiocese of Freiburg on May 30, 2014. The consecration took place in the Freiburg Münster (Cathedral) on June 29, 2014. Consecrated in 1513, the Freiburg Münster has been a bishop’s church since 1827 and is a cultural monument of special significance - not least because of its openwork spire.
The Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart encompasses the Württemberg part of the state of Baden-Württemberg. It was founded as a result of the Napoleonic reorganization in 1821. Its first bishop, Johann Baptist von Keller, was enthroned in 1828. Today, the diocese has 1.86 million Catholics and has been led by Bishop Dr. Gebhard Fürst since 2000. It is under the patronage of St. Martin of Tours. The diocese is particularly characterized by ecumenism in a state that is traditionally Protestant due to the Württemberg ruling house. The rise of this house from dukedom to kingship added large Catholic sections of the area. Following World War II, the proportion of Catholics increased significantly due to the influx of refugees and displaced persons.
The German Caritas Association is the welfare organization of the Catholic Church. Its approximately 500,000 full-time employees and 500,000 volunteers are active in around 25,000 services and facilities throughout Germany in all areas of charitable welfare work.
Under the motto "See the need and act," the Federal Head Office of the German Caritas Association in Freiburg advocates for society and people with disadvantages, and identifies social problems and their causes. In addition, the Caritas headquarters exerts influence on political decisions, such as the shaping of social legislation or the framework conditions for social work in Germany and in the European Union.
However, Caritas not only focuses on conditions in Germany and Europe. With its foreign department "Caritas international," it also provides emergency and disaster relief worldwide.
The Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Freiburg (DiCV) is a Catholic social welfare association and one of the 11 umbrella associations of independent welfare organizations in Baden-Württemberg. As an umbrella organization, it represents over 2,000 services and facilities with almost 95,000 places for around 619,000 people who are supported, accompanied and cared for by Caritas in the various social areas. The structure of Caritas in the Archdiocese of Freiburg includes 27 independent local Caritas associations in cities and counties, nine diocesan charitable associations and several diocesan working groups in various fields. As a provider of its own institutions, the Diocesan Caritas Association is primarily active in youth welfare and education.
The Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Freiburg is particularly committed to helping people with disadvantages. As a non-partisan, independent association that promotes solidarity, it is committed to helping shape society politically and socially. In addition, it is devoted to raising awareness of the social dimension in church communities and promotes the networking of charitable and pastoral activities.
The Caritas Association for the Archdiocese of Freiburg was founded on November 16, 1903 and is organized as a registered association (e.V.). The Board of Directors is formed by Diocesan Caritas Director Thomas Herkert (Chair) and Diocesan Caritas Director Birgit Schaer (Executive Director).
The Caritas Association of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart is a social welfare association of the Catholic Church and one of the leading associations of independent welfare work in Baden-Württemberg. It represents around 1,900 Catholic institutions and services in all areas of caregiving and social work.
About 31,000 full-time employees accompany and care for 500,000 clients per year and are supported by 33,000 volunteers. The Diocesan Caritas Association is itself a provider of outpatient social services with 1,500 full-time employees. As an advocate for the socially disadvantaged, the Caritas Association of the Diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart advocates socio-political, welfare measures to ensure that all people, especially in Baden-Württemberg, receive sufficient, basic, material support from the government.