International campus

At the Catholic University of Applied Science Freiburg, you will find a myriad of international activities within its course offerings and extracurricular programs. Students can take part in seminars with an international focus and some of these include brief stays abroad. The student group, “Studis International” has activities that bring local and international students together. All language courses and the International Week are geared towards University students and staff.

International activities

International Office der KH Freiburg

Internationale Kooperationen

Mit Campus in Freiburg liegt die Katholische Hochschule Freiburg nicht nur in Baden-Württemberg, in Freiburg im Dreiländereck, sondern auch zentral in Europa. Vernetzt sind wir weltweit.

Internationale Kooperationen

International Week

Alle zwei Jahre lädt die Katholische Hochschule Freiburg Ihre internationalen Partner zur International Week ein.

Zur International Week