Prof. Dr. phil. Martin Becker
- +49 761 200-1565
- martin.becker@kh-freiburg.de
- Raum: 3217
Methods of Social Work and Concepts of Action
Office hours
Appointments per e-mail
Academic Experience
- Study of Social Pedagogy, Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg (1980-1985)
- Continuing education in Supervision/Coaching, Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg (1990-1992)
- Bachelor of Sociology, Organizational and Occupational Psychology und Pedagogy, University of Freiburg (1998-2002)
- PhD at the University of Freiburg (2003)
Professional Experience in Social Work
- Youth care work and administration of a youth centre (1985-1989)
- Administration of a contact point und information centre for delinquents (1990-1998)
Freelance Activities
- Visiting lecturer at universities of applied sciences for social work (1992-2006)
- Freelancing supervisor / coach (DGSv; DBSH) (since 1993)
- Freelancing communal and management consultant (since 1998)
- Professor for Social Work and Methodologies in Social Work at the SRH University Heidelberg (February – July 2007)
- Professor for Action Plans und Methodologies in Social Work, City and Community Development, and Empirical Social Research at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg (since September 2007)
Work and research focus
- Orientation to social environments
- Socially oriented city and neighborhood development
- Qualitative and quantitative empirical social research
- Communal und organisational development
- Resource orientation and empowerment
- Participation und civic engagement
- Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit Nordwestschweiz
- École Supérieure Européenne de l'Intervention Sociale
- Bundesakademie für Kirche und Diakonie (bakd)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziale Arbeit (DGSA)
- Sektion Gemeinwesenarbeit der DGSA
- Reseau Eurosocial
- Deutsch-Französischer Verein für Soziale Arbeit
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision e.V. (DGSv)
- Freiburger Vereinigung von SupervisorInnen e.V. (FVS)
Teaching and research projects
- Research Project "Study on the meaning of local identification. What does it mean to be a citizen of Freiburg?” Guided interviews with people from Freiburg. Period October 2019 to July 2020.
- Research and Development Project “‘MARGE’ Trinational EU-funded (INTERREG V) and inter-university research project Social Urban Development and Social Work”. Cooperation project between Catholic University of Freiburg, ESTES-Strasbourg and FHNW/ISOS-Basel/Muttenz. Period 1.1.2017 to 31.12.2019.
- Research Project “Study on the importance of cross-border exchange for actors in neighbour-hood development in Kehl-Kreuzmatt”. Guided interviews with local actors from Kehl-Kreuzmatt. Cooperation with the Catholic University Freiburg and the community group in Kehl-Kreuzmatt. Period October 2018 to July 2019.
- Research Project “Study on the importance of cross-border exchange for actors in neighborhood development in Basel-Klybeck-Kleinhüningen”. Guided interviews with local actors from Basel-Klybeck-Kleinhüningen. Cooperation with Catholic University Freiburg and the community group Kleinbasel. Period October 2017 to July 2018.
- Research Project / Contract Research DCV Volunteer Study. Survey on the extent and nature of voluntary work in Caritas. Quantitative study on the type and extent of voluntary engagement in the context of Caritas institutions, committees, and initiatives. Commissioned by the German Caritas Association. Period March 2017 to February 2018.
- Expert Report and Consulting on the "Further Development of Neighbourhood Work in Freiburg". "Secondary report" for the City of Freiburg. Period August to September 2017.
- Research Project "Study on the importance of neighbourhood for people from Freiburg-Haslach". Guided, photo-based interviews with local actors from Freiburg-Haslach. Cooperation with Catholic University Freiburg and the community group NBW in Freiburg Haslach. Period October 2016 to July 2017.
- Moderation and Consulting "Growing older in Offenburg - a process contributing to the shape demographic change". Policy consultation and moderation for the city of Offenburg. Period March 2016 to February 2017.
- Research Project "Study on the significance of neighbourhood for people from FR-Unterwiehre-Süd". Guided interviews with local actors from Freiburg-Unterwiehre-Süd. Cooperation with KH FR and the community group in Freiburg Westl. Merzhauser Straße. Period October 2015 to July 2016.
- Conceptual development and implementation Trinational and inter-university research project in context of social urban de-velopment and social work Excursion/on-site visit to the neighbourhood Strasbourg-Neuhof F (14.04.2015). Excursion/on-site visit to the neighbourhood Pratteln CH (23.03.2015). Excursion/on-site appointment to the neigborhood OG Nordwest D (26.01.2015). Expert meeting practitioners (23.10.2014). Scientific expert meeting (22.06.2014). Cooperation project between Catholic University Freiburg, ESTES-Strasbourg, and FHNW-Basel.
- Research and development project "Instrument for assessing staff resources for specialists in community work and social urban/quarter development". Criteria-based calculation for staffing demands of professionals for tasks of social space orientation and neighbourhood development or community work in supporting organiza-tions in particular municipalities. Period 9/2014 to 7/2015.
- Study and expert report for "Student satisfaction 2014" "Satisfaction of students in the Bachelor of Social Work program" at the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg. Analysis of evaluations and surveys of students. In the period from 2006 to 2014.
- Conceptual development and implementation for "Ateliers franco-allemand" / "German-French Workshops" "Children's rights – parents' rights – in Germany and France (18.06.2013) "Social security systems: origins, responsibilities and challenges – a German-French com-parison" (15.06.2012). "Activation – A model in times of crisis?" (17.04.2012). "Social space and community work" (18.11.2011). In cooperation between ESTES Strasbourg and the Catholic University Freiburg.
- Concept development and scientific support "Project for Social Space Orientation and Neighbourhood Management – 'VEGA': Communities of responsibility for successful aging in the east of Freiburg" in cooperation with Catholic University Freiburg, Heilig-Geist-Spital-Stiftung, Protestant and Catholic parishes, and the city of Freiburg. Period 2010-2012.
- Expert report on the integrated development concept, "MehrLiN", "BMFSFJ Federal Program 'The Social City'. Neighborhoods with special devel-opment needs" "Social Area Analysis". Cooperation with the City of Offenburg. Period 2010-2011.
- Concept development and scientific support "BMFSFJ Federal Program 'Multigenerational Houses'" for the multi-generation house/EBW Freiburg-Weingarten. Period 2006-2011.
- Concept development and scientific support "Possibilities for Intergenerational Encounter" in cooperation with the Catholic Uni-versity of Freiburg and the multi-generation house/EBW Freiburg-Weingarten. Period 2009-2010.
- Concept development and implementation "Future workshop for the design of the public park OG" in cooperation with the Catholic University of Freiburg and the City of Offenburg in the downtown district and family centre. Period 2008-2009.
- Academic support and consulting "BMVBS/BBR Federal Program 'ExWoSt'" in the research field "Community facilities in neighbourhoods of the downtown district and family centre of the city of Offenburg. Period 2007-2009.
- Project for the development of a neighbourhood support network in the construction project "Multigenerational Quarter at the Tower Café" Freiburg-Zähringen, Social space orientation and citizen participation Cooperation with Catholic University Freiburg and Bauverein Breisgau e.G. Period 2007-2009.
- Acquisition, conception and implementation of the research project "Aging in familiar surroundings, in rural, and in urban residential areas" in coop-eration with the Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg and the City of Offen-burg. Period 2006-2007.
- Conception and implementation of a research project concerning a needs assessment for local microprojects within the framework of the ESF federal program "Local Capital for Social Purposes" (LOS); in cooperation with the city of Offenburg. Period April to July 2005.
- Conception and implementation of a research project "Evaluation study on the quality of life in urban neighbourhoods" for the compari-son the quality of life in two city districts. Cooperation with the city of Offenburg. Period 1999-2002.