Prof. Dr. Wiebke Göhner-Barkemeyer

Vice Rector for Continuing Education; Head of the Institute for Academic Continuing Education (IWW), Professor


Appointment:   Health Psychology

Function: Prorector for Continuing Education and Director of the Institute for Academic Continuing Education (Institut für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung)

Office hours: Per e-mail request

Professional career

  • Since 2020 Prorector for Continuing Education; Director of IWW - Institute for Academic Continuing Education (Institut für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung), Catholic University Freiburg
  • Since 2012 Professor of Health Psychology, Catholic University Freiburg
  • 2015-2019 Course Director for M.A. in Service Development in Social and Healthcare Systems, Catholic University Freiburg
  • 2008-2015 Course Director for B.A. in Physiotherapy, Catholic University Freiburg
  • 2008-2012 Professor of Physiotherapy, Catholic University Freiburg 
  • 2000-2002 PHD at the Eberhard Karls University Tübingen. Theme: Prevention of Chronic Pain States - Adherence in Physiotherapy
  • 2001-2008 Research Assistant: Universität Freiburg, Institute for Sport und Sports Science/Sport Psychology; Medical University Hospital Freiburg, Department of  Rehabilitation and Preventative Sports Medicine; Bremen University, Centre for Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation; Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, Department of Physical Education/Sport Psychology
  • 1993-1999 Qualification as Diplom-Psychologist (German title), Trier University und Indiana State University, Indiana, USA
  • 1989-1992 Qualification as state-recognized physiotherapist 

Work and research focus 

  • Health-related behavioral changes: movement promotion, nutritional changes, stress management
  • Development and evaluation of theory-based interventions in health promotion
  • Research methods: Evidence basis in the health professions 

Teaching/research projects with health psychology focus, e.g.:

  • Health IMprove: Stress management for für employees of the Catholic University Freiburg 
  • ViVo: Vital in Vincentiushaus in Oppenau. Promoting mobility among residents of a nursing home
  • Health Promotion Close-up: Calm and confident stress management for students of the KH Freiburg (following Kaluza, 2018)
  • Occupational health Promotion in Freiburg city council 
  • Health & Illness – A balancing act? Occupational health management in the Caritas association of Kinzigtal
  • Health behaviors of von KH students: social und psychological strain 

Publications (PDF)