Prof. Dr. Alexander Lenger
- +49 761 200-1557
- alexander.lenger@kh-freiburg.de
- Raum: 3117
Office hours
Per e-mail appointment
Professional career
- Since 10/2019 Professor of Sociology, Catholic University of Freiburg
- 03/2018 - 09/2019 Acting W2-Professor for Economics and Didactics of Economics, Centre for Economic Education, University of Siegen
- 04/2016 - 03/2017 Acting W3-Professor for Sociology of Knowledge, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
- 04/2015 - 08/2015 Acting W3-Professor for Sociology, Philosophical Faculty of the Freiburg University
- 03/2015 - 09/2019 Director of the Research Area, "Moral Development and Economic Understanding", at the Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research, Office of Educational Research, University of Siegen
- 03/2013 - 12/2016 Research Assistant in the special research area 1015, “Leisure”, at the Institute for Sociology, University of Freiburg
- Since 11/2011 Visiting lecturer at the Institute of Sociology and Research Fellow of the Global Studies Program, University of Freiburg
- 11/2011 - 10/2013 Research Assistant at the Business Ethics Unit, Department of Economics, Goethe University Frankfurt
- 10/2009 - 10/2011 Director Global Studies Program, Institute of Sociology, University of Freiburg (with Florian Schumacher)
- 09/2008 - 09/2009 Parental leave
- 03/2008 - 12/2010 Freelancer at the Chair of Social Policy & Organization of Social Services, University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich
- 02/2007 - 12/2011 Visiting lecturer at the Institute for the International Education of Students
- 10/2012 PHD (Dr. rer. pol.) at University of Freiburg
- 12/2006 Magister Artium (German academic title); Studies in sociology, psychology, and economic policy at the University of Freiburg
- 03/2006 Diplom-Econmist (German academic title), University of Freiburg
Work and research focus
- Economic sociology, sociology of economic thought
- Scientific university research, educational sociology, sociology in professional fields
- Sociology of social problems, social inequality, and social structure analysis
- Processes of economization and globalization
- Social theory, especially sociology of Pierre Bourdieu
- Social science and socio-economic education
- Cultural and contextual economics
- Economic ethics and interdisciplinary justice research
Work and research projects
- Sociology of economic thought