NaDiya - Hope and Action
In the NaDiya II project, the knowledge acquired in the NaDiya pilot project in trauma-focused work is to be deepened and comprehensively expanded in a 2-year project.
This project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).

In qualification strand 1, 2 refresher workshops are offered annually for the trainers already trained in the NaDiya pilot project. The workshops focus on the introduction to a certified qualification as a trauma therapist, leading balint groups, training with simulation patients, testing art and dance therapy elements with self-awareness units and a target group-oriented modularization of the program.
In qualification strand 2, one-week training courses in “Trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy for children and adolescents” (curricular training according to Cohen, Mannarino and Deblinger) are held three times a year for counsellors and therapists in child and youth work who work with traumatized children and adolescents in their professional practice. These training courses are offered by the therapeutic team of the Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics in Childhood and Adolescence at the Freiburg University Medical Center.
Project lead
Prof. Dr. Claus Muke -
Project management Dr. Cornelia Kricheldorff -
Research associate
Dr. Halyna Levkiv -
Project partners (external)
Prof. Dr. Christian Fleischhaker -
Deborah Kaiser (Psychologist, M. Sc.) -
Project duration
November 2024 - October 2026

Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Prof. Dr. med. Claus Muke
More informations
Dr. Halyna Levkiv
More informations