Prof. Dr. med. Claus Muke
- +49 761 200-1556
- claus.muke@kh-freiburg.de
- Raum: 3108
Social Medicine and Social Psychiatry
Office hours
Per e-mail appointment
Professional career
- Since 2023 Project manager NaDiya - Hope and Act - BMZ-funded training program with a focus on trauma
- 30.09.2020 Medical Specialist in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
- 01.09.2019 Professor for Social Medicine und Social Psychiatry an der Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg
- 28.09.2017 Addiction Medicine
- 2016 to 2019 Physician engaged in further training as a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy at the Clinic for Forensic Psychiatry and Psy-chotherapy at the Emmendingen Center for Psychiatry, cts-Klinik-Stöckenhöfe, Wittnau and Thure-von-Uexküll-Klinik, Glottertal
- 2011 bis 2016 Physician at medical service of a health In-surance fund in Baden-Württemberg, BBZ Freiburg
- 25.02.2014 PHD in Medicine: “Effort-Reward-Imbalance” and “Psychological stress load in pastors of protestant regional churches in Baden”. Su-pervisor: Professor Dr. med. Joachim Bauer
- 11.02.2014 Social Medicine
- 16.12.2010 Medical Specialist for Public Health
- 2007 bis 2010 Training as a specialist in public health in the public health offices of the districts of Emsland and Rastatt and at the Academy for Public Health in Düsseldorf
- 2007 bis 2008 Pair and family therapy/systemic competence
- 2003 bis 2007 Head Physician at the Parent-Child Spe-cialist Clinic, Haus Tannenhof, Todtnau-berg
- 17.03.1999 Medical Specialist for General Medicine
- 1997 bis 1999 Further education for the additional qualifica-tion “Psychotherapy – Deep Psychological Method”, Oldenburg
Work and research focus
- Socio-medical competence areas with a focus on equity of benefits and efficiency of care at the community level.
- Prevention work in the field of (alcohol) addiction, with particular emphasis on the development of strategies to prevent early childhood harm.
- Case management and the provision of care by general practitioners
- Institut für Allgemeinmedizin am Universitätsklinikum Freiburg
- Kommunale Suchtbeauftragte der Stadt Freiburg
- Arbeitskreis für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Südbaden
- Refudocs Freiburg
- Regionale Koordinierungsstelle zum Gesundheitsdialog und zur gesundheitlichen Prävention für Menschen mit Fluchterfahrung
Teaching and research projects
- Barrier-free access to the healthcare system for people with special needs
- Study on medical care for people with disabilities in the city of Freiburg and the district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald (Germany). 2021
- Accessibility on the internet, a utopia?
- Approximating barrier-free digital information offers with the plan-database of the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district: a research report. 2022
- Health promotion for refugees and immigrants. Evaluation of the work of the Re-gional Coordination Office for Health-related Prevention for People with Refugee and Immigrant Experience. 2022 - 2023