Myriam Alvarez

Research Associate


Research project

  • Speak out against racism and sexism. Share experiences of discrimination and stand up together
  • IDEA: Inclusive Digital Memory Archive (2019-2022). An oral history project by and with socially engaged migrant women

Professional career

  • 1990-1995 Master's degree (licentiate) in Philosophy and History at the University of Santo Tomas, Bogotá/Colombia
  • 1997-2000 M.A. in Educational Science, Community Development and Participatory Social Research at the University Sur Colombiana, Bogotá/Colombia
  • 2003-2004 Advanced training in Intercultural Training at the Evangelical University of Applied Sciences, Freiburg
  • 2008 Further training "Specialization in Methodology and Didactics of Courses for Spanish as a Foreign Language" at the University de La Rioja/Spain
  • 2017 Advanced training "Educational counseling & competence development. Jo-hanes Gutenberg University Mainz

Main areas of work and research 

  • Qualitative research and consulting on women's rights, migration and integration, rac-ism, sexism and discrimination. Research projects and community development with participatory methods

Memberships in professional societies & networks

  • Feministische Geschichtswerkstatt e.V Freiburg


Alvarez, M.: Stories forgotten. In: Zeitung, 30.03.2020

Ecker, U. & Schirilla, N. (eds.): Migration in Freiburg Their History from 1500 to the Present. From the "marriage migrant" to the first president of the "Ausländerbeirat". Alvarez, Myriam. Freiburg, 2014, pp. 269 to 272

Schirilla, N.; Alvarez, M.; Heidtke, B.; Garcia, M.; Rhode, A.: IDEA. Inclusive Digital Memory Archive. An oral history project by and with socially engaged migrant women. In: Himmelsbach, I. & de Vries, T. (eds.): Designing Research in Diverse Contexts. Volume 6 of the series "Analyse - Prognose - Innovation", 146-180. Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag