Prof. Dr. Hauke Schumann
Provost for Academics
- +49 761 200-1542
- hauke.schumann@kh-freiburg.de
- Raum: 3408
Medical Education
Office hours: Appointments via ILIAS or email
Professional career
- Deputy Rector for Teaching since November 2020
- Professor of Medical Education 2010-2013 and since 2014
- Head of Study Program, Bachelor of Vocational Education in Health Care 2019 to 2020
- Habilitation: Venia legendi in Department of Dermatology and Venereology 5-2014
- Director of the Office of Student Affairs, Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel, Switzerland 11-2013 to 4-2014
- Specialist in Dermatology and Venereology since 2004 and Senior Physician at the University Hospital Freiburg 2006 to 2009
- PHD: Faculty of Medicine, University of Münster and Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Defense 10-2001
- Study of Human Medicine at the University of Münster until 1999
- Studies in Master of Medical Education MME, University of Heidelberg / Medical Faculty Association, 2012 to 2014; Master thesis in preparation
Work and research focus
- Simulation learning in health professions
- Interprofessional teaching and learning in the health care system
- Wound care and phlebology
Teaching and research projects
- Working group for “training workshops” at the KH Freiburg, opening in July 2022
- Continuing education for learning simulations in nursing: “Train the Trainer” since 2022
- Internationalization at the KH Freiburg, DAAD funding in the context of the QISS project, coordinator of subproject: Teaching
- Quality in Higher Education Teaching
List of publications at Researchgate
List of publications at Freidok