Christine Stolterfoth an der KH Freiburg | © KH Freiburg

Christine Stolterfoth

Research Associate


Research project

Doctoral Research Project "Prevention and health promotion among students and staff at universities: silence as an aesthetic and ecological resource in everyday academic life".

Professional career

  • Catholic University of Applied Sciences Freiburg: Research associate, Lecturer in the degree program Curative Education/Inclusive Education (since 2023)
  • University Medical Center Freiburg: Music Therapist at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics (since 2022)
  • St. Elisabethen-Krankenhaus gGmbH Lörrach: Music Therapist at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (2018-2022)
  • Kalaidos University of Music Zurich: Accredited lecturer and examination expert for music theory (since 2015)
  • University of Augsburg: music therapy, degree: Master of Arts. 
  • University of Music Freiburg: Lecturer for Music Theory and Ear Training (2007-2020)
  • University of Music Karlsruhe: Lecturer for Music Theory and Ear Training at the Institute for Musicology and Music Informatics (2007-2011)
  • Alternative Practioner for Psychotherapy (awarded on the basis of an expert opinion commissioned by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health, which certifies that the academic achievements are to be regarded as equiva-lent to the specialisation programme "Clinical Psychology" at the LMU Munich)
  • Freelance Piano teacher, pianist and song accompanist, children's choir master
  • University of Music Freiburg: school music and music pedagogy. Degrees: Artistic State Examination for the teaching post at grammar schools in music, Diploma Music Teacher (Piano), Diploma Music Teacher (Ear Training), Diploma Music Teacher (Music Theory).

Main areas of work and research 

  • Prevention and health promotion at universities
  • Music therapy and mental health 
  • Nature and mental health
  • Silence
  • Music therapy and meaning in life
  • Depth Relaxation Music Therapy

Memberships in professional societies & networks

  • German Music Therapy Association (Deutsche Musiktherapeutische Gesellschaft, DmtG)


Pfeifer, E., Stolterfoth, C., Spahn, C., Schmidt, H. U., Timmermann, T., & Wittmann, M. (2020). Preventing music performance anxiety (MPA): Music students judge combined Depth Relaxation Music Therapy (DRMT) and silence to be an effective methodology. Music and Medicine, 12(3), 148–156.